y los observables
es reconocido el hecho de que el papel publicado en julio de 1925 por
Werner Heisenberg es el que di fin a la “Teora Cuntica Vieja”, y
que con la exposicin de su Mecnica Matricial se di entrada a la
Mecnica Cuntica tal como se conoce y se practica en la actualidad.
mismo, en su famoso articulo fundacional de la nueva mecánica
cuántica, resaltaria el hecho de que “it is well known that the
formal rules which are used in quantum theory for calculating
observable quantities such as the energy of the hydrogen atom may be
seriously criticzised on the grounds that they contain, as basic
element, relationships between quantities that are apparently
unobservable in principle, e.g., position and period of revolution of
electron... Experience however shows that only the hydrogen atom and
its Stark effect are amenable to treatment by these formal rules of
quantum teory”.
también critica el principio de correspondencia: “It has become
the practice to characterize this failure of the quantum-theoretical
rules as a deviation from classical mechanics, since the rules
themselves were essentially derived from classical mechanics.”
en concordancia con Husserl:
doit s'accommoder du fait que ce n'est qu' travers le processus de
connaissance lui-mme que se dcide ce qu'on doit entendre par
"connaissance". [...] Toute formulation dans le langage est
toujours, non seulement une saisie de la ralit, mais aussi une manire
de la mettre en forme et de l'idaliser [...] La connaissance n'est
sans doute en dernire instance rien d'autre que l'agencement non pas
l'agencement de quelque chose qui serait dj disponible en tant
qu'objet de notre conscience ou de notre perception, mais plutt
l'agencement de quelque chose qui ne devient un veritable
contenu de conscience ou un processus perceptif qu' travers cet
agencement meme (Whm, 363-364)
Le manuscrit de 1942"
W. Philosophie. Le manuscrit de 1942. Introduction et traduction par
C. Chevalley (490 p.). Editions du Seuil, 1998. Premire dition en
allemand : Ordnung der Wirklichkeit, 1989. Seconde dition francaise :
Arla, 2003, 2010 (173 p.)
el paso fundamental que destraba el callejon sin salida a que habia
llegado la mecanica cuantica.
this situation it seems sensible to discard all hope of observing
hitherto unobservable quantites, such as the position and period of
electron, and to concede that the partial agreement of the quantum
rules with experience is more or less fortuitous. Instead it seems
more reasonable to try to establish a theoretical quantum mechanics,
analogous to classical mechanics, but in which only relations between
observable quantities occur.”
a luz la mecánica matricial. Y abriendo una nueva dimension para la
re-interpretation of kinematic and mechanical relations. W.Heisenberg
hitherto defined, quantum mechanics enables the radiation
by the atom, the energy values of the stationary states, and other
characteristic for the stationary states to be treated. The theory
complies with the experimental data contained in atomic spectra. In
all those cases, however, where a visual description is required of a
transient event, e.g. When interpreting Wilson photographs, the
formalism of the theory does not seem to allow an adequate
representation of the experimental state of affairs. At this point
Schrödinger’s wave mechanics, menawhile developed on the basis of
the de Broglie’s theses, came to the assistance of quantum
como Heisenberg lo considera, el cambio de la mecánica clásica a la
mecánica cuántica fue así:
classical physics the aim of research was to investigate objective
processes occurring in space and time, and to discover the laws
governing their progress from the initial conditions. In classical
physics a problem was considered solved when a particular phenomenon
had been proved to occur objectively in space and time, and it have
been shown to obey the general rules of classical physics as
formulated by differential equations.
manner in which the knowledge of each process had been acquired, what
observations may possibly have led to its experimental determination,
was completely immaterial, and it was also immaterial for the
consequences of the classical theory, which possible observations
were to verify the predicitions of the theory. In the quantum theory,
however, the situation is completely different. The very fact that
the formalism of quantum mechanics cannot be interpreted as visual
description of a phenomenom occurring in space and time shows that
quantum mechanics is in no way concerned with the objective
determination of space - time phenomena. On the contrary, the
formalism of quantum mechanics should be used in such a way that the
probability for the outcome of a further experiment may be concluded
from the determination of an experimental situation in an atomic
system, providing that the system is subject to no perturbations
other than those necessitated by performing the two experiments.
Lecture 1939 Heisenberg.
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