chapter is divided into two parts. In the first part the metal-semiconductor
(M-S) inter- faces are discussed - viz. the formation of the Schottky barrier
(SB), followed by the models to determine the Schottky barrier height (SBH),
possible barrier lowering mechanisms like image force lowering, lowering due
tunneling and due to electrostatic screening. In the sec- ond part we discuss
the basic concepts of hot electron transport, as used in ballistic electron
emission microscopy (BEEM). The various modes of operation in BEEM are
presented. This is then followed by discussions of the various possible
scattering mechanisms for hot elec- trons. The most commonly used model to
determine the local Schottky barrier height, called the Bell-Kaiser model is
3.1 Transport at metal-semiconductor interfaces
We discuss
the different transport mechanisms that occur at biased and
non biased Schottky interfaces
between a metal and a semiconductor. First we discuss common transport models
such as thermionic emission and
tunneling across such interfaces [1], [2]. We explain
the relevance of incorporating
tunneling mechanisms to ex- plain the observed current-voltage (I-V)
characteristics in our devices (as
presented in Chapter 5). Further, we also discuss in details the hot electron transport at simi- lar Schottky interfaces using the technique of ballistic
electron emission microscopy (BEEM). We
explain the different contributions of hot electron
scattering in met- als, semiconductors and their
interfaces to hot electron
transport. We also discuss the factors
that influence the hot
electron attenuation length in metals.
We finally discuss the Bell-Kaiser
model that is commonly used to extract
the local Schottky barrier height
at metal-semiconductor (M-S) interfaces [3].
3.1.1 Schottky barrier formation
When an n-type semiconductor is brought in
contact with a metal,
electrons will flow from the
semiconductor to the metal if the
Fermi level of the semiconductor (SC) is
higher than that of the metal. Such flow of electrons causes the Fermi levels of the metal and
the semiconductor to align. The
electrons moving from the semi- conductor to the metal leave depleted donors in a region close to the interface that create an electric field in the semiconductor. This
field causes band bending in the semiconductor close to the
interface, leading to the formation of a
Schottky barrier as shown in Fig. 3.1.
Such a barrier is a rectifying barrier for electronic transport across the metal
semiconductor interface.
Figure 3.1:
Energy band diagram of formation of a metal-semiconductor
(n-type) (M-S) con- tact. (a) before contact, (b) after the contact; the formation of a
Schottky junction for the case where φm > φS . The M-S interface shown in (b) is at equilibrium.
3.2: The metal and
the semiconductor are shown in contact at the
top. (a) shows the charge density, (b) electric field and (c) electrostatic potential in the
semiconductor as a function of the distance from the interface (x) into the
Fig. 3.1 (a) the conduction band, va- lence band and Fermi level of the semiconductor are
given by EC , EV and EF S . φm is the work function of the metal, which
corresponds to the energy difference between the vacuum level and the Fermi level of the
metal. χ is the electron affinity of the semiconductor, which is measured from the bottom of the conduction band to the vacuum level. The obtained Schottky barrier allows electrons to flow from the semiconductor to
the metal, but blocks it in the opposite direction, which makes it a rectifying junction. In this
thesis, the two most important
parameters that are to be considered are the depletion layer width (W ) and the
Schottky barrier height (φB ).
3.1.2 Depletion layer
As mentioned
above, when a metal is brought in
contact with a n-type semiconduc- tor, electrons flow from the semiconductor to
the metal. This leaves a region, close
interface, depleted of mobile electrons. This region is called the depletion layer. The depletion
width (W ) in a Schottky junction can be determined analytically us- ing
Poisson’s equation. The depletion layer width depends on the semiconductor
permittivity ( s ), donor concentration (ND ), built-in potential (Vbi ) and applied bias (V) [1],
[2], following the equation:
Because of the static
charge in the depletion
layer an electric field is present. The strength of this field depends on the
charge carrier density (ND ), the depletion width (W ), the permittivity of the
semiconductor ( s ) and the distance
from the interface (x). This dependence is given by [1], [2]:
electric field is the largest at the
interface, i.e. for x = 0
presence of an internal electric
field across the
M-S interface results in a po- tential
difference between the metal
and the semiconductor bulk called
the contact potential (V ) which is
given as:
3.1.3 Schottky barrier height
From Fig.
3.1 (b) it is seen that the
Schottky barrier height depends on the work function of the metal (φm ) and the electron affinity of the semiconductor (χ) as:
φB = (φm − χ) (3.5)
relation is called the Schottky-Mott relation. This model of determining a
Schot- tky barrier is based on a few assumptions: (a) The surface dipole
contribution to φm
and χ do not change
when the metal and
semiconductor are brought together. (b) There are no localized states present on the surface of the semiconductor, and it forms a perfect
contact with the metal.
In more complex approximations deter- mining the
Schottky barrier height, the influence
of image potential, tunneling, and electrostatic screening should be taken into
account. These three
mechanisms are discussed as follows:
Figure 3.3:
(a) Left: field caused by an electron
close to the metal-semiconductor interface and surface charges.
Right: field caused by two
opposite charges on either side of the
interface. (b) Representation of a Schottky
barrier showing the image force effect which lowers
and pulls the SBH maximum
inside the semiconductor, indicated by
the shaded blue region.
1. Image
force lowering.
2. Lowering
due to tunneling.
3. Lowering
due to electrostatic screening.
barrier lowering by image charge potential
When an electron
approaches the metal-semiconductor interface, it attracts surface charges of opposite sign
in the metal. These surface charges in
the metal film exactly balance the field
generated by the electron in the
semiconductor, so that it does not penetrate into the metal as shown in the left side of Fig. 3.3 (a).
The field produced by these surface charges and
the electron in the semiconductor
is the same as the field generated by an
electron in the semiconductor and
another particle of opposite charge in the metal
as shown in the right side of
Fig. 3.3 (a). This other
particle is called the image
charge. This image charge in the metal
film creates an image charge
Figure 3.4:
Field and thermionic-field emission under forward bias. EF M and EF S represent
the Fermi levels of the metal and the semiconductor respectively, V is the
applied voltage and Em is the energy
where the contribution of thermionic-field emission has its maximum.
close to the barrier. This field is the highest at the barrier, because there the electron is very close to its image charge.
At a large distance from the interface,
the electron hardly feels the
attraction of its image charge anymore and
the attractive force goes to zero. The potential energy caused by this
image charge as a function of distance from the interface is schematically
depicted in Fig. 3.3 (b). When the image potential energy is added to the
original potential in the depletion layer, we find the barrier shape that accounts for the image force. This
resulting barrier height is lower by an
amount ∆EI given by [1], [2]:
In addition
to lowering of the Schottky barrier, the
image charge potential also pulls the potential maximum into the semiconductor
as shown in Fig. 3.3 (b) over a dis- tance of ∆z given as follows [1], [2]:
Because the
maximum potential lies inside
the semiconductor, the electrons first travel a short
distance through the semiconductor before they
reach the top of the barrier.
barrier lowering by tunneling
The second
mechanism that can cause
lowering of the effective Schottky
barrier height is tunneling,
either direct or thermally assisted. Under forward bias, in heav- ily doped
semiconductors at low temperatures, electrons can tunnel directly from the
Fermi level of the semiconductor, through the Schottky barrier, to the metal. For reverse bias, tunneling from the
metal to the semiconductor can happen
under the same circumstances. The current that arises from these electrons is
called field emis- sion as shown in Fig.
3.4. When electrons have a certain
thermal energy, they can also
tunnel through the barrier with thermal
assistance. Since the barrier is thinner at higher energies, electrons
with higher energies have higher tunneling probabil- ity. On the other
hand, the number of electrons with
higher energies are few. This
implies that the electrons with a certain
amount of energy have maximum
contri- bution to thermionic-field emission (denoted by Em ), as shown in Fig. 3.4.
When the Schottky barrier is approximated as a triangular
potential barrier, the tunnel- ing
probability (P) for an electron having
an energy ∆E less than the height of the barrier is given by following equation
Here ∆E is
the energy of the electron below the top
of the barrier and Vbi is the built- in potential. E00 is a parameter which plays an important role
in tunneling theory. It is the diffusion
potential of a Schottky barrier such
that the transmission probability for an electron whose
energy coincides with the bottom
of the conduction band at the edge of
the depletion region is equal to e−1
[2], and is given by:
Here ~ is
the Planck constant, Nd the donor
concentration and s the permittivity of
the semiconductor.
Eqn. 3.8 it can be deduced that an E00 value
of 0 leads to a tunnel proba-
bility of zero and a higher value leads
to a higher tunnel probability. Also, a lower
value, which means
a higher electron energy,
leads to a higher tunnel proba-
bility. When ∆E becomes
zero, i.e. the electron
has an energy equal to that of the Schottky barrier, the tunnel probability goes to 1, which we would expect, since the electron has enough energy to overcome the barrier.
Because the tunneling electrons can cross the barrier at an energy lower than the
maximum of the Schottky barrier,
direct and thermally assisted tunneling lower the effective
Schottky barrier height as shown
in Fig. 2.8. The amount of Schottky
barrier height lowering due to these
Figure 3.5:
Schottky barrier lowering due to
electrostatic screening. φ and φef f
represent the original and effective Schottky
barrier height and ∆EES is the
Schottky barrier lowering due
electrostatic screening. Adapted from [4].
effects is
given by [12]:
barrier lowering due to electrostatic
The third
mechanism that can cause Schottky barrier lowering is electrostatic screen-
ing. In ideal Schottky theory, the potential distribution in the metal is
assumed to be constant. However, this condition may be violated in the metal
close to the interface with the
semiconductor, when the magnitude of the
free charge carriers induced at the surface
of the metal becomes
large [5]. This is the
case at an interface with a large
permittivity semiconductor, such as Nb:SrTiO3 . This large permittivity causes
a voltage drop on the metal
side of the junction
due to the conservation of elec- tric displacement, as
shown in Fig 3.5 [6]. The barrier potential corresponds to the energy that is needed to excite an electron from
the bulk of the metal to the semi- conductor. From Fig.
3.5 we can see that this barrier
is lowered by the amount of the voltage
drop in the metal. For zero
applied bias, this value can be
calculated as:
Figure 3.6:
Transport processes in a forward-biased Schottky junction. (a) Thermionic emis- sion over the
barrier, (b) Thermally assisted tunneling through the barrier and (c) Direct
tun- neling from the bottom of the conduction band.
In contrast
to barrier lowering by image force
and tunneling, the barrier lowering due
to electrostatic screening is proportional to the square root of the
semiconductor permittivity. Thus for higher values of the relative permittivity the Schottky barrier is reduced by a larger amount.
3.2 Electronic
transport across a Schottky barrier
macroscopic characterization of Schottky
junctions, current-voltage measure- ments (I-V measurements) are most
commonly used. In such
measurements, a varying voltage
is applied across the interface and
the current through the inter- face is measured as shown in Fig. 3.6. In this circuit, electrons cross the barrier at the interface
between the semiconductor and the
metal. Following are the various mechanisms
by which electronic transport across the barrier can take place
(Fig 3.6) [1], [2].
Thermionic emission over the top of the barrier.
Thermally assisted tunneling through the barrier.
3. Direct
tunneling through the barrier.
3.2.1 Thermionic
electrical transport across an ideal
Schottky barrier is described by
thermionic emission [1]. By subtracting the current which flows from the metal to the semicon- ductor
JM →S from the current flowing from the semiconductor to the metal JS→M the following expression for the total
current I is obtained [1], [2]:
where q is
the charge of the electron, kB the
Boltzman constant, T the temperature, A* the Richardson constant, φB the barrier height and n the
ideality factor (unity for purely
thermionic emission dominated transport), and A∗ is given by:
where me ∗ is the effective mass of the
electron in the semiconductor. The
value of A∗, the Richardson constant, used in this thesis for Nb doped SrTiO3 semiconductor is 156 Acm−2 K−2 [8]. When
temperature is kept constant during a measurement, the only variables are the ideality factor and
Schottky barrier height for zero
applied voltage, so these parameters can be determined by fitting the
experimental data. However in practice, resistances appear in the semiconductor and the
rest of the circuit as well,
and contribute to the series
resistance causing the
current-voltage characteristics to deviate from thermionic emission
theory at high voltages. Because of the series resistances in the circuit, the
applied voltage does not drop completely
at the Schottky barrier, but also drops partially in the rest of the
circuit and in the semiconductor. To reckon for the
voltage loss due to these resistances we
can adjust Eqn. 3.12. The voltage drop
over the interface is then given by V minus I R instead of V , where R is the total
resistance of all elements in the
circuit. This results in
following equation for current:
3.2.2 Electron transport by tunneling
assisted tunneling and direct tunneling
electrons have a higher thermal energy at higher temperatures, thermal emis-
sion (represented by (a) in Fig. 3.6) is more dominant in that case. For lower
temper- atures, electrons lose their thermal energy and direct tunneling becomes dominant. In between these two
regimes lies the thermally assisted tunneling regime. While at very low temperatures electrons tunnel directly
through the barrier (direct tun-
neling, represented by (c) in Fig. 3.6), at intermediate temperatures electrons
first get thermally excited and then tunnel at a higher energy corresponding to
a thinner part of the barrier (thermally
assisted tunneling, represented by (b) in Fig.
3.6). In the direct tunneling regime
the current is given by [7]:
where, E00
is a tunneling parameter (also called as characteristic energy). E00 (T
= 0 K) is
1, (Eqn. 3.9.) hence E0 (T = 0 K) equals
E00 . It also implies that for
this case
Eqn. 3.16
approaches to Eqn. 3.15 at very low temperatures.
3.3 Ballistic electron emission microscopy
technique of ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM) was developed by
Kaiser and Bell in late 1980’s [3]. BEEM is a non destructive technique and is
based on a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) [10]. It is a modified form of
STM, with an additional contact at the
bottom of the semiconducting substrate, which
can col- lect the electrons traveling through the metal overlayer and
across a Schottky inter- face. Here, the
STM tip is used to inject a distribution
of hot electrons into the metal overlayer to be investigated. The hot electrons
travel through the metal overlayer and
get scattered. A fraction of
these electrons are able to cross the
Schottky inter- face when they have the necessary energy and momentum
to do so.
BEEM has
been used for studying hot electron transport in thin films and multi- layers
using conventional semiconductors like
Si, GaAs [11], [12], [13], [14]. Energy and spatial dependence of carrier transport, at the nanoscale and across buried
lay- ers and interfaces using current perpendicular to the plane
of the device can be
Figure 3.7:
Schematic of a BEEM setup with
its circuit diagram. A STM tip
injects hot elec- trons in a metal overlayer via tunneling through the vacuum
barrier. The electrons travel to
the M-S interface. The white
arrows represent the spatial
distribution of injected hot elec- trons.
The electrons with proper
momentum and enough energy reach the semiconductor. Due to the momentum
criteria, electrons outside the
acceptance cone (in purple) are reflected back from the M-S interface.
using BEEM. The basic schematic of BEEM
with its circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 3.6. A negative bias, VT , is applied to the
tip to inject electrons into the metal film, as tunnel current, IT . The
electrons travel through the film, across the interface and are collected
in the semiconductor as a BEEM current, IB . The BEEM current
constitutes a fraction of electrons which have
the proper energy and mo- mentum to overcome the Schottky barrier height. Such an energy and momentum filter is represented by an
acceptance cone at the Schottky
interface as shown in Fig.
3.8. The
energy schematic of the BEEM is shown in Fig. 3.9.
electrons and their scattering mechanisms
When the injected
electrons have an energy a few
tenths of an electron volt above the
Fermi level of the system they are referred to as "hot" electrons.
By applying a bias of a few eV to the STM tip with respect
to the Fermi level of the metal
layer we inject a distribution of electrons into the metal overlayer. As kB T is 25 meV at room
temperature, a similar analysis yields
an equivalent temperature of ≈ 12000 K for 1 eV [14]. Such an analogy leads to
the term "hot" electrons when
the energy of the injected
electron is few eV above the Fermi level of the metallic film. Scattering
Figure 3.8:
Energy schematics of the BEEM technique. It shows
the hot electron
distribu- tion injected into
the metal overlayer. Subsequently, a fraction of them
get collected in the conduction
band of the semiconductor.
for hot electrons and for electrons at the Fermi
level are very differ- ent.
Hot electrons injected at an energy eVT can scatter
into all unoccupied states between eVT
and EF , according to Fermi’s
golden rule. Such an electron-electron
(e-e) scattering for hot electrons results in inelastic scattering (loss of energy) and is
a dominant scattering mechanism. In contrast, at the Fermi level elastic
or quasi- elastic scatterings are the dominant scattering mechanism.
When the hot electrons reach the
interface without being scattered inelastically or elastically, they are called "ballistic"
The hot
electron transport in BEEM can be
divided in different steps:
Injection of the hot electrons from the tip into the metal base.
Transport of hot electrons through the metal base.
Transmission of hot electrons across the metal-semiconductor interface.
Collection at the conduction band of the semiconductor.
carriers are injected
from the tip by
tunneling into unoccupied states of
the thin
metal base. This results in momentum and energy distribution of the injected
carriers at the metal surface. After injection, the hot electrons travel through
the metal film and
are scattered by cold electrons (lying close
to Fermi level) by inelastic
scattering. However, an energy independent elastic [15] or quasi-elastic scattering by with either
defects, grain boundaries,
phonons, magnons etc. can also occur. When the electrons reach the interface
and satisfy the energy and momentum criteria
at the interface, they can be transmitted through and enter
the conduction band of the
semiconductor and constitute the BEEM current. Due to the local nature of
injecting electrons and the requirement
of lateral momentum conservation at the
Schottky interface, this technique results in a very high spatial
resolution [16] .
3.4 BEEM Theory
order to extract the Schottky
barrier height from spectroscopy
measurements, a theoretical model is
needed to fit the data. The first theoretical description deal- ing
with the transport of hot charge
carriers through a
metal-semiconductor system in a BEEM setup
was proposed by L.D. Bell
and W.J. Kaiser [3].
For all the work presented in this thesis, electrons are the charge carriers
responsible for the BEEM current, due to the use of n-type
semiconducting substrates (Nb doped SrTiO3 ).
3.4.1 Tunnel
injection of non-equilibrium
charge carriers
The applied potential between the tip
and the metal
base, called the
tip voltage VT , will determine
the energy of the injected electrons.
Tunneling across the poten- tial barrier between the tip and the metal
will always result in a
distribution of the energy and momentum of the electrons. In common BEEM theory
[3], the tunnel in- jection of non-equilibrium electrons from the tip into the
base is assumed to behave according to the planar tunneling theory [17].
Although it has been shown that it is not always valid to use planar tunneling
theory, the voltage spectroscopy measure- ments with
BEEM are found to agree well with
planar tunneling based theory
[18]. At tip voltages close to the threshold this results in a sharply peaked distribution of
the injected electrons perpendicular to
the M-S interface. Therefore the
injected electrons will have little momentum parallel to the metal base
(kk k⊥).
3.4.2 Transport across the metal base
Due to
scattering the spatial and energetic distribution of the electrons will broaden
when traversing the metal base.
When assuming a free
electron like behavior the attenuation
of the electrons can be described by a single parameter called the atten-
uation length, λ(E),
which in principle is energy
dependent. The attenuation can
Figure 3.9:
Four different scattering mechanisms in a forward biased BEEM, where the solid spheres represent
electrons and hollow spheres represent
holes. (1) is a purely ballistic trans- port (red), (2) is inelastic scattering
of hot electrons in the metal overlayer (pink) can also lead to secondary
electrons, (3) elastic scattering in the metal
over layer and (4) impact
ionization where an electron-hole pair is created (green).
then be
described by an exponentially decaying function depending on the injection
angle θ away from the surface and metal film thickness d:
Since the
electrons are injected with almost
zero parallel momentum kk = 0 we can assume cos(θ) ≈ 1, simplifying the equation.
3.4.3 Scattering mechanisms
All of the
different scattering processes which are
relevant in this thesis occur in the metal base and interface. In Fig. 3.9, the most prominent scattering
mechanisms are depicted, which are:
Ballistic charge carriers Ballistic transport is the unscattered
propagation of elec- trons through
the metal base.
These electrons do not
lose energy or undergo a change in momentum and form
an important contribution to
the BEEM current.
If the
electrons travel ballistically through
the metal base they might
have enough energy, depending on
VT , to surmount the Schottky barrier at
the M-S interface.
Inelastic scattering
If the electrons are scattered inelastically their energy will be reduced. The processes
dominating this form of scattering, at the energies relevant for this thesis
is electron-electron (e-e) scattering [3] and will
typically result in a reduction
of half the electron energy. At low tip
voltage this effectively means
that any inelastically scattered
electron will not
have enough energy to surmount
the Schottky barrier. However at higher
tip voltages, at least twice that of the Schottky barrier, the collision
might result in a secondary electron with
enough energy to surmount the Schottky
barrier, while the primary electron still has energy above the
Schottky barrier, thereby increasing the
BEEM current. Although phonon scattering can also result in energy loss, they are not
taken into account since the change in energy is negligibly small (in the order
of kB T ) in comparison with e-e
scattering. Although plasmon excitations also cause inelastic
scattering they are not relevant since the electron energies relevant for this thesis are too low
for plasmon excitations to occur.
Elastic scattering
This form of scattering will change
the momentum but con- serves
the total, kinetic,
energy of the electrons. Therefore any
elastic scattering will
result in a broadening of the
distribution of angular momentum. Since trans- mission across the M-S interface depends sensitively on the
momentum, as shown in section 3.4.4, elastic scattering will also have an
effect on the BEEM current. Grain boundaries, defects and any inhomogeneities
in general are the main elastic scatter- ing sites.
ionization When an electron with high enough energy enters the semicon- ductor, it could transfer a part of this energy to an electron in the valence band.
If enough energy is transferred, it could excite the
electron to the conduction band creating an electron-hole
pair. This electron could then contribute to the BEEM cur-
rent. However, for this to occur the impacting electron should have
an excess en- ergy nearly more
than twice the
semiconductor band gap. Since all experiments performed in this
thesis are below this limit, impact
ionization is absent.
across the metal base
causes broadening of the spatial and energetic distribution of the injected
electrons while traveling through the metal overlayer. Scattering in the metal over- layer
can be quantified by hot electron attenuation length When
assuming a free electron like
behavior the attenuation of the electrons can be described by a single
parameter called the attenuation length,
λ(E), which is usually an energy depen- dent parameter (Eqn. 3.18).
3.4.4 Transmission across the M-S interface
transmission across the barrier is dependent on the energy and
the momen- tum of the incoming electrons. Assuming the
electrons satisfy the 2-d free electron
model, their energy would be given as:
where m is
the rest
mass of the electron
and k⊥ and kk are the momentum of the electron perpendicular and parallel to the M-S
interface, respectively. Here, kk is
assumed to have both Kx and ky
components. The energy of the electron
just at the
maximum of the Schottky barrier
height can now be expressed as:
where m∗ is the effective mass of the electron
inside the semiconductor and the subscript of kS denotes the
momentum in the
semiconductor. If we now assume conservation of parallel momentum we can obtain an analytical expression for the maximum
allowed parallel moment kkS . This
argument would only be fully con- vincing
for a fully epitaxial system
without defects, any deviations from such a
system would break the symmetry and therefore conservation of parallel momen-
tum could be lost to a certain degree. Despite this, experimental evidence
for non- epitaxial Au/Si systems showing momentum conservation has been
observed [19]. We can equate Eqns. 3.20 and 3.21 which will give us an expression for Ek:
The maximum
amount of parallel energy Ekmax would be obtained if the elec tron would have
exactly zero perpendicular energy left after crossing the Schottky barrier i.e.
E⊥S = 0. This shows that due to the effective mass there is a
restriction on the amount of parallel momentum:
If the
electron has more parallel momentum than Ekmax it cannot be transmitted across
the M-S interface and will bounce back into the metal base. This effect is
much like the total refraction of light
at an interface of two media having
different refractive indices. Since we
have found the maximum parallel momentum that elec- trons can have and we know
that the maximum total energy is the Fermi energy, the minimum perpendicular
energy Emin is equal to:
We can now
express this momentum requirement in the form of an acceptance cone at the M-S
3.4.5 BEEM transport models
order to extract the Schottky
barrier height from spectroscopy measurements a theoretical
model is used. The first theoretical description dealing
with the transport of hot-charge carriers
through a metal-semiconductor system in a BEEM setup was proposed by L.D. Bell and W.J. Kaiser [3]. The tunnel current between
tip and top metal based on planar tunneling theory can be written as:
T (E⊥) is the tunnel probability for an electron to tunnel through the vacuum barrier
over the
and parallel (to the interface) energies, E⊥ and Ek. A
is the constant related to effective tunneling area, f (E) is the Fermi
distribution function, and VT is the
applied tip voltage.
to the widely used Bell-Kaiser (BK)
model [3], BEEM transmission is the
fraction of the ballistically
transmitted tunnel current:
where R is
an attenuation factor due to scattering in the metal
base and the
M-S interface. According to the
BK model, R is considered to be energy
independent but it can also be weakly dependent on energy (other parameters are:
and )
For VT just above φB , close to threshold, above Eqns. 3.26 and
3.27 predict:
3.10: Typical spectra for direct (left) and the reverse (right) BEEM
Such a quadratic onset considers classical transmission across the
M-S interface with parabolic conduction band minimum in the
semiconductor. Considering quan- tum
mechanical transmission across the M-S interface another model was given by Ludeke-Prietsch (LP model) according to which IB ∝IT (VT − φB )2.5 [12].
It was found that near the threshold regime, no significant difference between the BK and
LP models can be resolved beyond
experimental error. For the Schottky
barrier extraction in our experimental measurement we have considered the BK model in- stead of the LP model and we have seen a better match of SBH with
the macroscopic I − V measurements.
3.4.6 BEEM spectroscopy
Direct and
Reverse BEEM spectroscopy
direct BEEM spectroscopy, which is one of the most commonly used
modes in BEEM, a negative bias, VT , is applied to the tip with respect
to the metal forming a
Schottky barrier contact with a
n-type semiconductor. When the
sample-tip bias is below the
Schottky barrier height, no BEEM
transmission is observed. However, IB
increases after a certain
onset that corresponds to the
local SBH. A typical direct BEEM spectra
thus can be obtained by recording the
BEEM current with respect to the sample-tip bias at a fixed tip
position (shown in fig. 3.8 ). Usually,
to improve
3.11: Energy schematic of the reverse
BEEM spectroscopy.
the signal
to noise ratio, several BEEM spectra are
recorded to obtain a single aver- aged
spectrum. The final BEEM spectrum provides valuable information on energy
dependence of hot electron transport in
the metal film as well as the M-S
interface. The onset of the BEEM spectra determines the local Schottky barrier height with high
accuracy ( of ±0.02 eV) whereas the spectral shape carries
information about scattering in the metal film, across the M-S interface
and in the semiconductor.
Reverse BEEM spectroscopy, a positive
bias is applied to the STM tip with respect
to the metal layer and a distribution of electrons is extracted from the
metal overlayer (grown on a n-type SC) to the STM tip. Reverse
BEEM is based on the
collection of only secondary electrons in the conduction band of the semiconduc- tor. These secondary electrons
are produced by electron-electron scattering which is similar to Auger
like scattering.
In the case
of R-BEEM [20], hot holes injected by the tip (corresponding to hot
electron extraction from the
metal overlayer) lose energy by
creating a secondary electron-hole (e-h) pair.
The energy of the injected holes
is transferred to the ex-
cited electrons up to a maximum of EF,m + eVT . If the
secondary electrons have enough energy and momentum to surmount the barrier, they
can be collected as collector
current with the same sign as direct BEEM. Considering free electrons and zero
temperature, R-BEEM transmission can be written as:
EF,m is the base Fermi energy, P (E, E⊥) is the probability of creation
of ex- cited electrons from the injected
hot holes. The excited electrons are then collected above φB with proper momentum. Near threshold, the above expression of R-BEEM transmission can be simplified as:
3.4.7 Hot electron attenuation length
increasing metal base thickness the BEEM
current is attenuated. The total at- tenuation length, λ, is related to the inelastic attenuation length, λI , and the elastic attenuation length, λe , as described by Matthiessen’s
λe corresponds to scattering due to different factors viz.
defects, grain bound- aries, phonons, magnons, polarons etc.
From equation 3.18 it is clear that the trans- mission is exponentially
dependent on the thickness of the metal
base. Therefore, by varying
the metal base
layer thickness and measuring the
BEEM transmission at a particular energy, a plot can be obtained of the
transmission versus metal base thickness
and energy. The slope of the plot (semi-log)
gives the electron attenuation
length at a particular energy. The
energy dependence of the attenuation length
can now be obtained by repeating this process at different energies. Although there are possibilities of extracting the two
different attenuation lengths λi and λe from λ, this is generally not straight forward.
3.4.8 BEEM sample requirements
the measured signals are often very low
(tenths of pA) and it is thus
im- portant to reduce noise in the system to measure such tiny currents.
The most im- portant source of noise in the BEEM signal arises from the feedback resistors of the
operational amplifier (op-amp) circuits,
which amplify the BEEM current,
and from the Schottky interface. The feedback resistors of the op-amp
circuits (BEEM current is monitored by a
two-stage-op-amp) add noise to the BEEM channel. Although this is hard to avoid,
the other noise source related to the sample can be reduced. The
3.12: As the electrons pass through the metal over layer they are inelastically
scattered resulting in an exponential decay of the transmission.
voltage fluctuation across a resistor at finite temperature is known as
Johnson noise
and is
given by
where ∆ V
is the root mean square of the
voltage fluctuations, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T the measurement
temperature, B the measurement bandwidth and R the value of the resistor.
The current
passing through a Schottky diode,
described by thermionic emission theory is given by Eqn.
3.14. In BEEM we are interested in the zero bias resistance of the
diode which is given as
Thus, by
increasing the zero bias resistance R0
of the diode, its contribution to
noise can be decreased. To make sure the diode
is not dominating the noise, its resistance should be higher than the
resistance of the op-amp. For common M-S interfaces such as Au/Si the SBH is ≈
0.8 V, the junction resistance is of the
order of 1 GΩ at room temperature for a
diode area with a diameter of 150 µm and thus is high enough to make sure the sample is not
dominating the noise. This is thus an important sample requirement for BEEM
studies [11].
3.5 Conclusions
this chapter we discussed the
different transport mechanisms across
a metal- semiconductor (M-S) interfaces along with
the different models that are
essential to the determination of the Schottky barrier height. We also discussed the
different modes of ballistic
electron emission microscopy that are used
in this thesis and the commonly used model
to interpret hot electron transmission in metal layers
and across their interfaces with a semiconductor.
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