martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

Intrinsic And Extrinsic Semi Conductors:



En la India escriben Ingles como lo hablan:

"sir, u hav said tht in intrinsic cndctr direction of el. n holes r in same directn bt becoz of the movment of el. 2wrds +ve plate holes moved 2wrds _ve plate nw hw can they both move in same directn?"

"Entienda el que pueda"

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

Fisica de estado solido.

10 Quantum Physics - A Review part 1)

 11 Quantum Physics - A Review part 2)

12 Modern Theory of Solids

13 Band Theory of Solids part 1)

14 Band Theory of Solids part 2)

15 Density of States and Fermi Dirac function

16 Conduction in Metals Quantum Mechanical)

17 Schottky effect and field emission

18 Phonons and conduction

19 Electron Diffraction and Band discontinuities

20 Semiconductors - conduction process

21 Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors

22 Temprature dependency of conductivity

23 Recombination and majoriy and minority carriers

24 Diffusion and conduction

25 Schottky and Ohmic contacts

26 Semiconductor Devices - 1 Diode)

Valence Band and Fermi Energy Level (SEM06)

Density of States and Fermi Dirac function

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013


celdas solares
pn diodo

Bandgap, que es?

Descripcion sobre elmodelo de bandas de los niveles de energia permitidos para la estructura electronica de una celda unidad de un cristal o compuesto molecular
Modelo de Bandas.